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Range Rules

NOTICE: the entrance to the range is now locked at all times, you must be a member to use the range.


Gun Range Rules as of April 2024


  • Members only are allowed to use the range; adult members must accompany all juniors using the range.

  • Members disregarding any of these rules or otherwise creating unsafe conditions will have their shooting privileges revoked permanently and your membership will be terminated.

  • The range hours as follows:  April through September 7 AM. to 7 PM., October   8 AM. to 5 PM.  November through March 8 AM. to 4 PM.

  • Raise the RED range flag to indicate “in use”.

  • All shooting targets must be paper only and must be attached to shooting fencing and not attached to any metal or wood supports so all bullets land in sand. Absolutely no cannons, mortars, or armor piercing bullets allowed also no bird shot or buckshot used on rifle range.  

  • Shoot only from designated firing lines.

  • Weapons on the firing line not in use must be unloaded with action open, pointing down range. Any unnecessary handling is discouraged.

  • No one is permitted in front of the firing line until a “Cease Fire” is called.

  • When finished shooting, clean up your area, remove your targets if practical and lower the red range-in-use flag.

  • The range shall be closed at noon when the clubhouse is rented.   Check on the club site at or call the club (920-386-2207) between 8 and 10 AM., if you are unsure.

  • Call “911” immediately to report any gunshot injuries.

  • The gate MUST be locked each time you enter and exit the range.

  • No rapid-fire Automatic Weapons allowed to be fired on the range. 

  • No Bird Shot or Buck Shot to be used on rifle range or pistol range.

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